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Result of inquiries

Number of items: 14
Number of items: 14
The number of inquiries on one page  
Is the our web side enough transparent ?

Of course (54%)

I have no objection (41%)

If do you have some comments, please send on: info@adlo.sk (5%)

Which security door design do You like the most? Which one would you choose?

Well-tried flat (9%)

Attractive Slat (24%)

Unique Panel (19%)

Elegant Profile (24%)

Practical Glass (12%)

Harmony Veneer Figure (9%)

Valuable Isodor (3%)

Do you consider it necessary to secure Your home with a security door before leaving for holiday?

Definitely yes (55%)

I think so (43%)

I don´t think it´s necessary (2%)

Do you think that security doors should be installed into a new, special security doorframe?

Yes (63%)

I don´t know (27%)

No (10%)

Where do you the most browse our web side ?

At home (26%)

In the coffee-bar (25%)

In the work (25%)

Other place (24%)

Do you visit our biggest and the most beautiful ADLO shop in Bratislava in the Trnavske myto ?

Yes (32%)

No, but I want (43%)

I am not from Bratislava (25%)

What do you appreciate on our company ?

Size of the company (20%)

Reference of the company (20%)

Approach to the customers (20%)

The best doors (20%)

The most secure doors (20%)

Is for you important a GUARANTEE at the select of securirity doors ?

Yes, is important (53%)

No, is´nt important (47%)

What is most important for You when choosing a security door ?

Security (30%)

Quality (27%)

Wide selection (29%)

Price (14%)

We want to open a new ADLO store in Bratislava; advise us, where should it be situated ?

In a big shopping centre (26%)

In the own rooms on an exclusiveness place (25%)

In the own rooms; it does not matter if in a distant part of the city (25%)

If you have another idea, send it to us: info@adlo.sk (24%)

Adlo en





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