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Security Doors

Choose your category of security doors and security class:

  • Economy category – security doors compliant with all EU standards and certificates of resistance against burglary in security levels 1, 2 and 3 in reasonable price levels.
  • Elite category – security door resistant to many more ways of burglary attacks than required by all EU standards and certificates of resistance against burglary. We used our 20 years of experience in observing the ways of forced entry. This door guarantees much higher resistance than the security class in which it is classified, thanks to many construction details stepping over the set criteria of the appropriate security class. Available option of security class 2, 3, 4 and even 5, which represents unbreakable and the safest door on the market.

Choose fireproof or fire-resistant surface. Our offer starts with the basic fire resistance that is defined by the steel construction of the door all the way to 30, 45, and 60 minutes fireproof duration according to the required EU standards.

Choose noise resistance from basic level of 33 dB, 39 dB, 40 dB, 42 dB up to AUDIO according to the required EU standards.

Choose the door dimension exactly matching your needs. You may pick the width, height, one or two-wing door, even accessorized with skylight. We will recommend the best profile and the depth of the doorframe fitting the depth of your wall, and other details. Why would you accept only a standard?

Choose the surface material for the door: Lamino MDF, sprayed surface, natural veneer, or massive wood.

Choose the colour and design of the door; wood structure, one or more colours, profiles, panels, etc. Don’t forget that the door may have different colour and design from each side. Match the shade of the doorframe or its facing – from the same material as the door has, wooden décor, or two colours. Threshold will be naturally adjusted in colour as well.

Choose the door accessories: type of cylinder and keys, fittings, viewer, chain, or built-in security guard.

Do you need a glass door that is also a security door? Choose the security for glass in classes 2, 3, or 4; size and shape of glass, transparent or decorative glass, double or triple-pane glass. All our glass is certified and proved. The anchoring of the glass into the door is also certified and proved, with warranty for levering attempts.

Choose the position of the door – it may be in the interior, e.g. in the hall or other protected space; if the door is supposed to be outside, there are two options available: - AQUA – entrance door for unheated space - TERMO – entrance door for heated living space You may combine most of available options, so there is a countless number of variations and types of security doors, confirming exactly to your needs.

If you have any special requirements, please try to look at out Special Solutions.

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