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Panel design of ADLO doors KV 258 / KN 258 - for the interior

Catalogue number 1170-0060
Panel design of ADLO doors KV 258 / KN 258 - for the interior
Price without VAT: - SkPrice with VAT: - Sk

Security door ADLO is also available on demand in panel design.
Panel design can be produced for ADLO security door:
-    line Elite,
-    for interior door,
-    to fit the new security ADLO doorframe,
-    for new ADLO door (technically it is not possible to produce panel design additionally)

Panel door design is composed of MDF material, adhered under pressure with protected ADLO technology for door production.
The panel shapes are milled into this material and then leveled and sanded for the final appearance.
More layers of paint Colour are spread in wet process on the door, which guarantees that the final appearance of the panel door is really aesthetically unbeatable.
The colour finish of the door is available in any shade of RAL - according to the current sample list.
Panel door design consist of the panels in chosen shape, size and profile, adhered to the door wing.
It is possible to do following with the panels:
-    to place it on one or both sides of the door,
-    to use different shapes of the panels, in different surface treatments (only wet process Colour).
Depending on the shape, size and placement of the panels and the colour treatment of the door, it is possible to create any angular shape of panel design according to the customer's wishes. Unbeatable number of combinations is thus created for the panel design of the door.

Panel shapes:
Choice of the following:
-    standard panel shapes - according to the standard model designs,
-    non-standard panel shapes - it is produced on demand, following the individual creative design (naturally within technical abilities of ADLO company).
The panel shapes are placed on the door proportionally, in appropriate sizes and distances depending on the size of the door wing.

Panel profile:
Panel profile can be:
-    inserted panels KV (IP) - the outer panel shape is inserted (does not stand over the door surface)
-    overlaid panels KN (OP) - the outer panel shapes is overlaid (reaches over the door surface)
Depth of the Panel Door Wing:
Adaptation of design to the panel kind causes the different depth of ADLO door wing.

Security of ADLO security door as defined in  EN STN 1627 will not be influenced by use of the panel design.

Panel design can be created only for the door wing produced by ADLO company.
Panel door is available only in Colour design, painted by wet process.
For technical reasons, panels in oval or arched shapes are not available.
Panels on the door cannot be placed in the location of the security fitting. For this reason, the panels are always placed in an adequate distance from the edge of the door wing (in a balanced and aesthetically proportional distance from all the door sides).

Good Advice:
Panel design is suitable especially in cases when a customer would like to preserve the original historical door appearance or when he wishes to reproduce his original door in a new security fashion.
By choosing shapes and profiles of the door panels, an unbeatable number of combinations is created for your own panel design.

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